from outer space, you just clicked in and found me posted here with that old look upon my face.
Hello - I apologize for the absence, my wireless internet was down baby down for at least a week. A new post will follow shortly. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a great weekend. In the spirit of being brilliant, Hugo and I are heading towards the last days of the Anne Leibovitz exhibition at the high. We'll stop in the market and get some coffee and continue our trek onto the museum. The sun is shining in Piedmont Park, the streets are abuzz with pre-Dave Matthews concert excitement. Know what I'm going to do? Get the hell out of town. These massive concerts int he park are all fine and good except for the fact that the streets around the park, turn into a madhouse of Atlantan cars vying for a space. No thank you, I've got better things to do than deal with that crap, in the order of going to see my lovely, kissable, huggable, niece in town only for one weekend. Brilliant.
How I Feel About Paris Today
I brought this section back today because I actually dreamed about Paris last night. I dreamed that Hugo and I were in a rented apartment with a huge window that overlooked the street. I think we were in the 8th. We were trying to make ourselves ready to go the store and buy some essentials so that we could cook food instead of having every meal out. Then the conversation switched and I wasn't sure that I was in Paris anymore, I thought "oh, I'm in Boston - this is Boston" then Chicago, then New York and then I started crying because I really wanted to be in Paris. At that point I looked up and realized i was, in fact, in Paris. I was happy again.
i don't even want to tell you about the day i had today thanks to the flippin DMB concert....just makes me dislike him even more...by not telling you about my day, i hope i have in fact told you.
Reading the battle of the cities to the music on your myspace page was brilliant. You summed up my thoughts...hit the nail on the head. Paris IS that gorgeous, seemingly out-of-reach, seductive, chic, fresh, life-marker city. New York (the American Paris) IS that seemingly (and note the word seemingly and not necessarily) more obtainable, sensible, place. Paris is historic ... but it also has history. The history of our young twenties...a time when growing one year older was like growing five years older from experience, pain, love etc. I know that you'll thrive where ever you are. Because you are a brilliant life.
Sorry, commented on the wrong post. you'll figure it out.
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